Visit to Middlesex University

Well we’re doing this MA for real now. Anthea and I left Cheshire early this morning for a visit to what we can now call ‘Our University’.

So, we might have taken a few pictures and I’m sure to seasoned academics we appeared like tourists, but we ARE part of this community and we ARE on an amazingly exciting trip of self-discovery. Many thanks to Helen who answered a barrage of questions and has left us questioning everything and unpicking and rebuilding our teaching. The incredible thing is we chatted non-stop on the journey to Middlesex and then realised we were so quiet on the way back. Simultaneously we burst out laughing and appreciated that we were just processing and reprocessing the day.

Can we say this MA makes more sense? Well possibly yes, but what we do know is we have a fantastic support system to challenge our every thought and idea. We probably appreciate that this MA is about us as individuals and that rather than just ‘doing’ we should question and most importantly pause to reflect. Pausing in the crazy life of full time vocational teaching will be a challenge but who said this was an easy ride.
(When I figure out how to upload photos I will..... reflecting on my hopelessness at Blogging)


  1. That's so neat that you got to visit! I really liked visiting in the summer and felt it gave me a much better feel for the university/department/etc that's been really useful going through the program. Wish I could go back!

  2. It certainly was an enlighteneing trip.
    The campus was amazing, particularly the main atrium and the library, both with so much to offer. It gave us a sense of belonging to a community.
    Although Skypes and phone calls are extremely helpful, face to face conversation with Helen was such a valuable experience and gave further insight into many other aspects of our course.
    The eight hour drive passed quickly with an endless flow of conversation and we will definitely make the effort to drive to MDX and back again next term.
    Well worth the visit!

  3. Visiting makes you feel more in it so to speak. I think its a great pity that there isn't a day per term when we should all be there to meet and discuss.


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